26 May Hip Arthroscopy
Hip Arthroscopy has revolutionized how we can treat the causes of hip pain in our patients. Before we had to dislocate the hip in order to access the joint. Now via tiny holes, we can treat patients and get back to sports and work quicker with less risk.
One of the more common causes of hip pain is FAI or Femoral Acetabular Impingement. This is a term that describes a miss-match between the shape of the femoral head and the socket (acetabulum).
What this mismatch can cause is tears of the labrum and the cartilage of the joint. If left untreated many believe this will lead to arthritis, but in a small number of patients. That is why we call hip arthroscopy “Hip Preservation” Surgery.
Symptoms of FAI and labrum tears are usually anterior groin pain. Worse with activities such as running, kicking, twisting, and even prolonged sitting. The first line of treatment is always conservative. Even if we discover a tear on your MRI, therapy to help strengthen your core and hip muscles can relieve symptoms in a large percentage of people.
For those patients who fail therapy and medications arthroscopy may be recommended. The goals of surgery include restoring the bone anatomy to “normal” and repairing the labrum. The labrum acts like a suction seal of the hip joint.
Hip pain doesn’t have to sideline you for long.
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